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Academic Ethics and Plagiarism: FHS Values and Policies

FHS Mission Statement and Core Values

Mission Statement

Framingham High School will provide students with a comprehensive, challenging and diverse learning environment, which will enable our students to become successful members of the global community.


Vision of the Graduate

Respond thoughtfully and collaboratively

Improve the school and community through active engagement

Skillfully Communicate

Effectively articulate thinking both critically and creatively

Utilize resources strategically to solve problems

Persevere in facing challenges

Work Cited

"Framingham High School Mission Statement." Framingham High School. Framingham Public Schools, 2016. 


FHS Academic Ethics Policies - English

Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is an important skill to develop during high school.  At FHS, academic honesty is taken seriously; our expectations are that students will show integrity with their work.  Honesty is vital to preserve fairness and the relationship between student and teacher, and it is indispensable for your future.

Why is academic honesty important?

  • Personal integrity
  • Trust between you and your teachers
  • Allows teachers to evaluate your understanding and personalize your instruction

At Framingham High School our students:

  • Create their own work
  • Are honest
  • Think critically 
  • Cite their sources  

Responsibilities of the Student 

  • To engage in school with the goal of learning
  • To ensure that your work is yours and yours alone 
  • To align the content of your classwork with your teacher’s expectation 
  • To cite the sources you use 
  • To protect your integrity and that of your work by not sharing it with others
  • To embody the spirit of academic honesty

Examples of Academic Dishonesty 

Cheating, copying, plagiarism, or using AI are all considered types of academic dishonesty.

On tests this might look like… 

  • Sharing your answers with another student 
  • Taking answers from another student
  • Giving information from your test to people taking a similar test later 
  • Using an automatic translator (ex: google translate, a person)

On writing assignments this might look like…

  • Using ChatGPT to help you with written assignments
  • Using Cliffs Notes/Spark Notes/similar sources or other people’s work to identify themes
  • Using a paper that you wrote previously for another class without citing it
  • Claiming another person's or source’s work as yours
  • Allowing another person to give you the answers

On lab reports this might look like…

  • Working together on sections of a lab that are supposed to be completed independently
  • Taking another person's research and using it without citing the source of the information 

On homework this might look like…

  • Giving your answers to someone else
  • Using another person’s answers 
  • Having someone else complete your work
  • Using PhotoMath
  • Using a device or person to translate for you
  • Sending pictures of your work to someone else
  • Asking someone else to send you pictures of their work

Consequences for Breaches of Policy per Code of Conduct

Consequences for incidents of Academic Dishonesty are cumulative throughout your high school career, across all classes and years. 

This means that if you are caught cheating during your ninth grade geometry class and then again in your eleventh grade English class, you would have two instances of academic dishonesty. 


Upon suspicion of academic dishonesty:

Teacher will confirm the cheating or plagiarism with the department head. 

If confirmed by the department head:

  1. Teacher will document this in X2. 
  2. The teacher will notify the parent/guardian/caregivers, vice principal and department head.  
  3. Teachers should save any evidence for further discussions.


1st Offense: 

  • The student will receive no credit, partial credit, or an alternative assignment (for not more than 50% of the original grade). 
  • The student may be ineligible for awards (National Honor Society/Senior Awards/Junior Awards/Fine Arts Awards/Athletic Awards, etc.).

2nd Offense: 

  • The student will receive no credit and will have no opportunity to make up the assignment 
  • The student is not eligible for awards (National Honor Society/Senior Awards/Junior Awards/Fine Arts Awards/Athletic Awards, etc.).
  • A conference (in person or by phone/video) will occur with student, parent/guardian, teacher and vice-principal. 

3rd Offense: 

  • The student will receive no credit and will have no opportunity to make up the assignment. 
  • The student is not eligible for awards. (National Honor Society/Senior Awards/Junior Awards/Fine Arts Awards/Athletic Awards, etc.)
  • The student may be ineligible to participate in school sponsored activities, clubs and/or sports. 
  • A conference (in person or by phone/video conference) will occur with student, parent/guardian, teacher and vice-principal. 
  • Students will serve an in-house suspension. 

Subsequent incidents will be escalated according to the Code of Conduct.  

Resources for further inquiry (link)

LibGuide - Plagiarism FAQs for Students

Student Handbook

Code of Conduct

Ética Académica - Português


A Framingham High School empenha-se para oferecer um programa de excelência acadêmica e as oportunidades para que cada aluno obtenha sucesso. Para manter este objetivo, um alto padrão de ética acadêmica também precisa ser mantido. Estudantes irão deste modo aprender a valorizar e demonstrar comportamento ético; estarão melhor preparados para lidar com tais expectativas fora do ambiente escolar; e serão assegurados de que a integridade e valor de suas realizações acadêmicas não serão desvalorizados.

Portanto, NÃO SERÁ TOLERADO DE MANEIRA NENHUMA: TRAPACEAR, COPIAR, PLAGIAR, FALSIFICAR E ALTERAR DOCUMENTOS ESCOLARES. Plágio é: “roubar e fazer passar ideias ou palavras dos outros como suas; usar sem dar crédito à fonte; cometer roubo literário.” OBSERVAÇÃO: Isto também se aplica às informações adquiridas eletronicamente.

A Ética Acadêmica evoca as seguintes responsabilidades dos grupos listados:

Responsabilidades dos estudantes:
     1. Manter um padrão pessoal de ética acadêmica.
     2. Entender claramente as instruções, a administração e as regras da sala de aula e as expectativas de cada professor.
     3. De maneira nenhuma participar ou dar a impressão de contribuir em quaisquer trapaças, cópias ou plágios.

Responsabilidades dos professores:
     1. Comunicar claramente as suas expectativas e regras de administração da sala de aula.
     2. Esperar e manter um alto padrão de ética acadêmica.
     3. Reportar imediatamente todas as violações de ética acadêmica ao chefe do departamento e vice-diretor(a) da casa.
     4. Informar por completo a resolução do incidente aos estudantes e aos pais.

Penalidade: estudantes que violarem os padrões de ética acadêmica podem não receber créditos no dever e irão receber uma consequência que será determinada pelo Vice-Diretor e/ou Reitor(a) de Estudantes (Dean of Students). Ofensas adicionais resultarão em ações disciplinares progressivas e mais severas, incluindo até mesmo suspensão, como indicado no Código de Caráter, Conduta e Apoio.

Ética Académica - Español


La escuela secundaria de Framingham se esfuerza en proporcionar un programa de excelencia académica y oportunidades para que cada estudiante, individualmente, pueda sobresalir. De acuerdo con este objetivo, un estándar alto de la moralidad académica también debe ser mantenido. Los estudiantes aprenderán a valorar y a demostrar una conducta ética; estarán mejor preparados para tratar con tales esperanzas fuera del ambiente escolar; y se asegurará que la integridad y el valor de sus logros académicos no serán disminuidos.

SERÁN TOLERADOS DE NINGUNA MANERA. Plagio es: "robar y pasar las ideas o palabras de otro como si fueran
propias; utilizar sin acreditar la fuente; cometer robo literario". POR FAVOR NOTE: Esto también aplica a la información
adquirida electrónicamente.

La ética académica extrae las responsabilidades siguientes de los grupos listados.

Responsabilidades de los estudiantes:

  1.  Mantener un estándar personal de la moralidad académica
  2. Comprender claramente las instrucciones, la gestión del aula y las reglas y las expectativas de sus profesores individuales.
  3. No participar de ninguna manera o dar la apariencia de contribuir en cualquier estafa, copia o plagio.

Responsabilidades de los profesores:

  1. Comunicar claramente sus políticas de gestión del aula y expectativas.
  2. Esperar y mantener un estándar alto de la ética académica.
  3. Reportar inmediatamente todas las infracciones de la ética académica al jefe de departamento y al subdirector de la casa.
  4. Informar completamente al estudiante y al padre sobre resolución del incidente.

Penalización: los estudiantes que violan las normas de ética académica pueden recibir automáticamente ningún crédito en la tarea y se le asignará una consecuencia determinada por el subdirector y / o Decano de Estudiantes. Ofensas adicionales resultarán en una acción disciplinaria más severa y progresiva hasta e incluyendo la suspensión como lo indica el Código de Carácter, Conducta y Apoyo Estudiantil de FPS.

Subject Guide

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Alison Courchesne
FHS Library
(508) 620-4963
ext. 27588

M-Th 7:15am-3:00pm
Fri 7:15am-2:15pm