Created using your teacher's assignments and library resources, these guides are a great first place to start your research. Find databases, books, websites, and other tools that can help you do your homework.
Library of Congress's searchable digitized newspapers from across America from 1789 to 1922. Great resource for articles, advertisements, cartoons, etc.
Created by the Legal Information Institute and Cornell's Law School, this is the most robust database of information on Supreme Court cases.
FHS's Gale Databases
All Gale databases:
Full-coverage newspapers:
Google Scholar
If any article you find on Scholar is behind a paywall, please email Ms. Courchesne or Ms. Maher and she will retrieving a free PDF version of that article for you.
Si algún artículo que encuentre en Académico no está disponsible, envíe un email a la Sra. Courchesne y ella obtendrá una versión en PDF gratuita de ese artículo para usted.
Please use this guidebook when writing your research paper. It includes information on how to set up your essay in MLA format and how to correctly cite your sources in your essay and in your Works Cited page.