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FHS Libguides (Library Guides): AP Capstone

Created using your teacher's assignments and library resources, these guides are a great first place to start your research. Find databases, books, websites, and other tools that can help you do your homework.

AP Classroom / Digital Portfolio & EBSCO

Access EBSCO at the bottom of the Digital Portfolio page once you are signed in through your College Board account.


Sign in using the Google button and your school email address/password.

Primary Sources - Massachusetts History

Search the Library Catalog for Books

Click the button to search the Library catalog.


Historical Primary Sources - Images, Documents & Newspapers

FHS's Gale Databases

All Gale databases:

Full-coverage newspapers:

New York Times 

Boston Globe 

Google Scholar


If any article you find on Scholar is behind a paywall, please email Ms. Courchesne or Ms. Maher and she will retrieving a free PDF version of that article for you.

Google Académico


Google Academico


Si algún artículo que encuentre en Académico no está disponsible, envíe un email a la Sra. Courchesne y ella obtendrá una versión en PDF gratuita de ese artículo para usted.

Primary Sources - Video, Images & Maps

Subject Guide

Profile Photo
Alison Courchesne
FHS Library
(508) 620-4963
ext. 27588

M-Th 7:15am-3:00pm
Fri 7:15am-2:15pm

FHS Research Paper Guide, 8th edition

Please use this guidebook when writing your research paper.  It includes information on how to set up your essay in MLA format and how to correctly cite your sources in your essay and in your Works Cited page.