When contacting any of the people or organizations listed below, clearly state that you are a resident of Framingham and a student at Framingham High School.
Phone: 508-532-5400
Email - mayor@framinghamma.gov
(CC - TBD, Citizen Participation Officer)
Councilor-at-Large: Janet Leombruno
Councilor-at-Large: George King
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Robert A. Tremblay - email: rtremblay@framingham.k12.ma.us
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, Amy Kane - email: akane@framingham.k12.ma.us
Phone: 508-626-9118
FHS's student representatives to the Senate President Spilka's Youth Advisory Council:
Hannah Wagner & Eva Dillon
House of Representatives
U. S. Senate
Please use this guidebook when writing your research paper. It includes information on how to set up your essay in MLA format and how to correctly cite your sources in your essay and in your Works Cited page.