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FHS Libguides (Library Guides): Mr. Antonellis Unsolved Mysteries

Created using your teacher's assignments and library resources, these guides are a great first place to start your research. Find databases, books, websites, and other tools that can help you do your homework.

Search the Library Catalog for PRINT Books

Destiny Library Catalog

Suggested Call Numbers

Because your topics range from ancient history to more modern times, your best bet is to search the library catalog by "keyword" to see if anything is available.  

To get started in your topic browsing, here are some of the areas of the library you might investigate...

Biographies: Amelia Earhart, Johnny Appleseed, Jimmy Hoffa, Elvis Presley, Tupac Shakur - BIO wall (in alphabetical order by last name of subject)

Mysterious happenings: Atlantis, Loch Ness Monster, Bermuda Triangle, Yeti - 001.94

Criminal Justice in America:  345.73

Serial Killers & Crime: Jack the Ripper, Lee Harvey Oswald, Black Dahlia, Lizzie Borden, art heists - 364.152

Ocean mysteries: Blackbeard, shipwrecks, Captain Cook - 910.4-910.9


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World History - Ancient Times to 1900

Relevant Databases

  Literature Resource Center


Websites of Interest

When using websites, be sure to find those that come from relevant, reliable sources.  Several are listed below.

American History by Topic (1900s-present)

Subject Guide

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Alison Courchesne
FHS Library
(508) 620-4963
ext. 27588

M-Th 7:15am-3:00pm
Fri 7:15am-2:15pm

FHS Research Paper Guide, 8th edition

Please use this guidebook when writing your research paper.  It includes information on how to set up your essay in MLA format and how to correctly cite your sources in your essay and in your Works Cited page.

Library Learning Objectives

Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. 

When conducting research, gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.

(Massachusetts ELA Writing Standards, #7 & #8)