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FHS Libguides (Library Guides): Ms. Powell's American Short Stories Research Project

Created using your teacher's assignments and library resources, these guides are a great first place to start your research. Find databases, books, websites, and other tools that can help you do your homework.

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Articles from Literary Movements for Students

All the pdfs in this box are from this reference book.  To cite it, please use the following: 
"Article Title." Literary Movements for Students, edited by David Galens, Gale, 2002.

Short Stories for Students


Subject Guide

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Alison Courchesne
FHS Library
(508) 620-4963
ext. 27588

M-Th 7:15am-3:00pm
Fri 7:15am-2:15pm

FHS Research Paper Guide, 8th edition

Please use this guidebook when writing your research paper.  It includes information on how to set up your essay in MLA format and how to correctly cite your sources in your essay and in your Works Cited page.